How to Get Rid of a Stick and Poke Tattoo?

Are you thinking of removing a permanent type tattoo? Yes, you can remove it. Modern technology today has made it possible to remove stick and poke tattoos.

About 75 percent of people who get tattoos end up having certain regrets concerning the imprint, design, or undetermined side effects. You may observe that most of the people who outsource methods of tattoo removal are the ones who likely used a DIY procedure.

Get Rid of Poke Tattoo

If you are thinking about how to remove the stick and poke tattoo? How much time will it take? You are at the right place. In this article, we have shared proven methods to get rid of a stick-and-poke tattoo.

Let us discuss this in detail.

What are Stick and Poke Tattoos?

Stick and Poke Tattoo is a traditional way of getting a tattoo. It is done by using a needle and ink on the skin. The needle is inserted into a slim wooden stick. The wooden stick then gets tapped on your skin until you complete your design.

Get Rid of Poke Tattoo

The other names for stick and poke tattoos are machine-free or hand-picked tattoos. The name indicates that it is a completely manual process. Usually, people do this at home, at a friend’s gathering. Astonishingly, the prisoners also use this method to create tattoos.

This trend has been existing since the time of the Egyptian mummies. Yet sometimes after getting a tattoo, people want to remove it forever. So let’s discuss how your stick and poke tattoo will go away.

Will Your Stick and Poke Tattoo disappear?

No, traditionally, it was impossible to disappear the tattoo. But now, luckily there is more than one way you can use to get rid of stick-and-poke tattoos.

Get Rid of Poke Tattoo

It depends on your selection of which method you choose to remove the stick and poke tattoo. The methods range from fast painful procedures to painless slow-paced procedures.

How to get rid of a Stick and Poke Tattoo?

You can adopt one of the following procedures to get rid of a stick-and-poke tattoo. The methods are as follows:

Get Rid of Poke Tattoo
  1. Consult Your Dermatologist
  2. Laser Tattoo Removal
  3. Tattoo Removal Creams
  4. Dermabrasion
  5. Salabrasion of Tattoos
  6. Honey and Aloe Vera
  7. Lemon Juice

Consult Your Dermatologist

A dermatologist can suggest the best method to get rid of your stick-and-poke tattoo, depending on its location, size, and type of ink. A dermatologist can also consider different factors such as your skin type, your age, and the possible side effects of the chosen method to remove stick and poke tissue.

It is better to get expert advice to save yourself from trouble.

Get Rid of Poke Tattoo

Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal is the most recommended procedure to get rid of your stick and poke tattoo. It is the safest, fastest, most effective, and most reliable procedure.

How does a laser remove tattoos from your skin? Laser actively fastens the natural fading process of tattoo by breaking down the ink into smaller pieces. It then disappears from your skin easily.

When you have a stick-and-poke tattoo made by unprofessional people. What happens is that the tattoo involves inserting ink particles via a needle into different depths of your skin.

Get Rid of Poke Tattoo

Initially, laser light shatters the ink particles that are present on the surface of the skin. To remove the ink particles that have penetrated deep into your skin, you may need multiple sessions of laser.

Similarly, people who have dark and bold stick-and-poke tattoos also require multiple laser sessions.

Laser tattoo removal is a bit painful and expensive. But it is generally the most reliable and fastest option.

Tattoo Removal Creams

So, tattoo removal creams do not completely remove the tattoo from your skin. The creams help to reduce the intensity of the ink based on the ingredients of the cream.

A tattoo removal cream tends to recolor the area of your tattoo. The cream makes the tattoo less visible after a while.

How does tattoo removal cream work?

The cream beaches and strips off the outermost layer of your skin (the epidermis).

Get Rid of Poke Tattoo

The main ingredients of tattoo removal cream are

  • Hydroquinone
  • Trichloroacetic acid aka TCA

Hydroquinone is an organic compound. It acts as a bleaching agent and reduces the darkness of the tattoo. Trichloroacetic acid functions by removing the epidermis. It allows the bleaching agent to penetrate deeply into your skin.

The removal of stick and poke tattoos by cream is a slow and long process. Apply the cream to the designated area according to the recommendation of your expert.

The effectiveness of this method is limited and results can vary. Be cautious when using these products.


Dermabrasion, as the name indicates abrasion of your derm (skin). It is done by using a particular equipment rotary tool to “sand” away the outer layer of your tattooed skin.  A dermatologist or plastic surgeon performs this procedure.

Get Rid of Poke Tattoo

The procedure is painful and there are chances of scarring. Although this procedure is cheaper than laser and surgery, it is less effective.

Salabrasion of Tattoos

This is a method of removing tattoos from the skin in which moist gauze pads saturated with sodium chloride (salt) are used. This method is used to remove tattoos from the skin by rubbing.

Like Dermabrasion, salabrasion is also painful. A study was conducted on the effects of tattoo removal and results after salabrasion. The result shows that salabrasion can result in wrinkling of the skin. Even after repeated salabrasion, it does not cause scar formation.

Get Rid of Poke Tattoo

Honey and Aloe Vera

While we all know the benefits of honey and aloe vera for the skin. They are used to reduce age spots. They can also help you in removing stick and poke tattoos from your skin.

You can apply them in the form of a mixture or separately at your convenience.

If you are looking for a painless method to fade your stick and poke tattoo at home: Honey and aloe vera should be your number one choice.

Apply them at least four times a day consistently to get effective results.

Get Rid of Poke Tattoo

Lemon Juice

Lemon is citrus and has the properties of a bleaching agent. As a natural bleaching agent, lemon can help you fade your stick and poke tattoos. It is also a painless, easy method. But it tests your patience because it takes a longer time to work.

How to apply lemon juice to the skin?

  • Take some packaged lemon juice or squeeze fresh lemon juice from lemon
  • Transfer it to the tattooed area with a cotton swab or cloth
  • Leave it on the skin. Until it dries.
  • Repeat the process three to four times daily with consistency.

Note that the last two methods: Honey, aloe vera, and lemon juice, are used to fade the tattoo material. They come under the category of home remedies. They are painless but time-consuming. They take time to produce the desired result. It is recommended to get expert advice to make sure your skin stays healthy.


Is there a painless method to remove stick and poke tattoos?

Honestly speaking if you want to get rid of your stick and poke tattoo, you have to go through some pain. It can be via laser or surgery.

But if you just want to fade it, you can use painless methods like creams, honey, aloe vera, and lemon. These methods are long, less recommended, and less effective.

What is the best Tattoo kit for beginner?

I recommend Hawink Rotary Tattoo Kit for Beginners. (Best Cost Effective)

Hawink Rotary Tattoo Kit for Beginners

This Hawink Rotary Tattoo kit is another excellent alternative for those who value quality over money. This ultimate package include a Japanese scoreless motor that produces less noise and is very long lasting stability, even after hour of use.

The tattoo guns ergonomic and elegant design is very pleasing to the eye. The package comes with 20 cartridge needles, a power supply, a power wire, one ink carteidge, and one foot pedal. We understand that investing a liege sum of money requires guts, but this package will undoubtedly be worthwhile of your money . The kit includes all of the necessary accessories, making the investment worthwhile. A beginner will also appreciate this kit because it perfect for shading and line.

  • It is gentle on the skin.
  • Excellent for shading and line
  • Simple to set up
  • The tattoo machine is a little larger


best stick and poke tattoo kit

best tattoo kits for beginners

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