Do Shar Peis Shed?

The Shar Pei breed, also known as the Chinese Shar Pei is known for its crinkly skin and wrinkled face. The dogs were bred initially by Chinese farmers to prey, herd, and protect their cattle. The Shar Peis are loyal, loving, and protective medium-sized dog breeds.

Do Shar Peis Shed

These dogs can go the extra mile to protect their owner and family and are reluctant to strangers and other pets. Luckily, the Shar-Peis have a short rough coat. How much does Shar Peis shed? These dogs don’t shed very much. They shed two times more a year that is during spring and autumn.

So, they are considered an average shedding breed. They are a great option for those pet lovers who love to own a single pet with the qualities of love, affection, protection, and less hair shedding of course.

If you opt for Shar-Pies as a pet, it is quite easy for you to keep your home hair-free.

In this article, we are going to discuss everything you would like to know about Shar-Peis. So let’s dive into the details to know more.

Do Shar Peis Shed?

Yes, They do shed every time but their shedding is minimal and not so troublesome.

Shar-Pei Shedding

They are considered average shedders. They do shed every time but their shedding is minimal and not so troublesome. They do more shedding twice per year that is during spring and fall.

Shar-Pei Shedding

The shedding depends on the type of coat your Shar-Pei has. There are three types of coats

  • Horse: This coat is rough, tough, and hard to touch
  • Bear: Coat longer than one inch is known as a bear coat
  • Brushed: The brush coat is a bit longer and smoother

So, the cost decides the level of hair shedding of Shar-Pei. Overall, it is an average shedder and a great pet option. Their shedding will disturb you only during seasonal changes. But that too is adjustable, as long as you love your Shar-Pei.

What Are They Like to Groom?

The short-coat Shar-Pies are very easy to groom. You need to brush once per week for the best grooming. Short coats are easier to groom than brush coats.

The brush cost needs a bit more effort than a short coat. Also during spring and autumn, you ought to brush daily, if you want to keep the hair at bay. 

What Are They Like to Groom?

As the Shar-Pei has wrinkled skin, make sure to brush every section carefully.

Now you might be thinking, which is the brush you should use to brush your Shar-Pei? For short-coat breeds of Shar-Pei, you can use a rubber curry brush or bristle brush.

Also, follow the above-mentioned steps to groom your Shar-Pei better:

  • Bath your dog once per month
  • Trim the nails of your dog once per week
  • Clean the ears of your dog regularly to avoid health issues

What About the Skin Folds on the Shar Pei?

You probably have noticed the skin folds of Shar-pei. It is very important to keep these skin folds neat and clean to avoid fungal and bacterial infections.

What About the Skin Folds on the Shar Pei?

The Shar-Pei owner needs to be particularly responsible for cleaning the skin folds with a baby wipe or wet clothes. While you are cleaning skin folds with wet wipes, it is equally important to dry the folds. However, completely dry skin is also prone to infection.

So if you own a Shar-Pei, you are responsible for taking care of its skin coat. If you notice any odor or another symptom, take your Shar-Pei to get an examination.

Why is the Shar Pei coat So Wrinkly?

Do you know how ancient this awesome dog is? It has existed for centuries, pointing back to 200 B.C. The Shar-Pei dog was bred in China to protect livestock.  It was also meant to protect Chinese Royal families.

Why is the Shar Pei coat So Wrinkly?

As you know, nothing in this world is useless. Every creation has a purpose. So does the cost of Shar-Pei. The loose wrinkled skin protected the Shar-Pei against attackers. It also helps in escaping the jaws of other animals without damaging the internal organs.

So, the wrinkled skin is a survival kit for Shar-Pei during fights.

Are Shar-Peis Hypoallergenic?

No. Shar-Peis shed hair and produce dander (dead skin) and are not hypoallergenic. They also drool. The dried saliva can act as an allergen and cause sneezing.

Are Shar-Peis Hypoallergenic

As far as allergy is concerned, even hairless dog breeds can cause allergy. Because all dogs have saliva and dander. 

But, dogs that shed less hair are less potent for allergies as heavy shedders. So, Shar-Peis are hypoallergenic but not that potent to cause allergy. Still, it can vary to your level of sensitivity to the allergen

How can you Minimize your Shar-Pei Shedding?

Once, you know that Shar-Pei does shed hair, but the shedding is far less than many dogs. The next question arises: how can you minimize your Shar-Pei shedding:

How can you Minimize your Shar-Pei Shedding
  • Brush your Shar-Pei regularly
  • Use Bristle brush to get the best results
  • Brush once a week to keep its coat intact
  • In autumn and fall, consider daily brushing because of excessive shedding
  • Regular brushing can help you keep your floor and furniture clean
  • Meanwhile, it can also keep your Shar-pei’s coat healthier
  • Use a recommended dog shampoo while bathing
  • Take care of the texture of your dog’s coat.
  • Try to avoid dryness of both the skin and hair

Who Should Adopt a Shar-Pei?

You should consider adopting a Sharpie as a pet if you are looking for a loyal, caring, affectionate, and protective companion.

Shar-Pei was bred initially in China back in 200 B.C. to safeguard the livestock and Royal  Chinese families. This inherited trait is still present in their genes. They take care of their masters and can do anything to protect them.

Who Should Adopt a Shar-Pei

But at the same time, they feel a bit awkward and hesitant in the presence of strangers and other dogs. They love to be around their own family.

So, early training is quite important. In the early training, train them with mental stimulation and positive reinforcement to familiarize themselves with strangers, pets, and small children. But, they are so loving that you don’t mind their introverted nature to strangers.


To conclude, Shar-Pei falls under the category of average shedders. They do excessive shedding only twice a year that is during autumn and spring.  It’s important to brush the hair once a week and to keep the skin folds dry and clean. It can help prevent infections.  Use pet wipes to clean the coat and also frequently sterile the ears to avoid infections.


How bad does Shar Peis shed?

Shar-Peis do not shed badly. They are average shedders. They shed more, twice a year during spring and fall.

How can you prevent your Shar-Pei from shedding?

You cannot prevent it. It’s a natural process. Every dog sheds old hair and new hair takes its place. However, you can reduce shedding by regular brushing.

How can you prevent your Shar-Pei from shedding

Does Shar Pei Drool Much?

Yes, Shar-Pei drools excessively. It can cause a little bit of trouble. Also, dried saliva is a potent allergen for sensitive people.

Do Shar Peis Make Good Family Dogs?

They are excellent family dogs. Because they are loyal, loving, and extra protective. They love to safeguard their loved ones. Yet, they are hesitant towards strangers and other pets and feel uncomfortable. The solution to this problem is early training. Socialize them earlier with other dogs and kids.

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